March 6, 2025 - Comments Off on 2025 Candidate Bios for LAAC Leadership Positions:

2025 Candidate Bios for LAAC Leadership Positions:

Steering Committee, Treasurer, Programming Subcommittee, Outreach Subcommittee

More info about positions and the election process can be found in our bylaws. Voting ends 03/14/2025. Thank you for your participation!


Steering Committee (3-year term)

Marisa Ramirez

Candidate bio

I am the Manuscripts Archivist for Loyola Marymount University. I began working in LMU’s Department of Archives and Special Collections eight years ago while earning my MLS from the University of North Texas online program. I served as a member of the steering committee for the Archivists and Archives of Color section of the Society for American Archivists, and am currently a member of the planning crew for the People of Color in Library and Information Science Summit hosted virtually and on LMU's campus. My interests include reparative description and mentorship to underserved communities.

Candidate statement

I am eager to develop my leadership skills in the archival community. My past committee work demonstrates a commitment to serving the information science field, and I now wish to focus on archival services at the local level. Los Angeles is a diverse city with many archival workers and it would benefit us, and the collections under our care, to be better connected. As a member of the steering committee, I hope to expand LAAC’s reach so that we build a strong community of workers and students for increased collaboration.

Yolanda Bustos

Candidate bio

Yolanda Bustos heads the Archives, Research Library, and Special Collections at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Before coming to NHMLAC, she was an archivist at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco and has worked in archives and libraries for over 15 years. Yolanda obtained both her Master's in Library & Information Science and Archival Studies from the University of British Columbia. She has lived up and down the West Coast, from San Diego to Vancouver, B.C., but only truly feels at home in Los Angeles.

Candidate statement

Yolanda is eager to join the steering committee to continue aligning organizational practices with LAAC's strategic goals. She will share a perspective shaped by the unique challenges of museums and non-profits.Given contemporary challenges in preserving diverse and truthful narratives, community and collaboration are crucial to safeguarding archives that reflect the complexity of human history. Her experience managing archives and fostering accessibility drives her commitment to advancing inclusive, sustainable practices that preserve our shared heritage for future generations. Yolanda is committed to growing a professional community that promotes transparency, equity, and long-term preservation.

Treasurer (2-year term)

Sung Kim

Candidate bio and statement

In the Digitization & Special Collections Department at Los Angeles Public Library, I oversee the digitization and digital preservation projects while collaborating with colleagues to diversify LAPL’s special collections, ensuring they represent the diverse Los Angeles communities. I am also a part of day-to-day operations, including the DIY Memory Lab, reference services, and staff training. I received MLIS from UCLA and worked temporarily at Alhambra Library, USC Libraries, UCLA Library, and Columbia University Libraries. I would like to contribute to LAAC's work - promoting LA archivists’ and communities' work and the collections they steward, but also advocating for diverse employment opportunities and hosting professional development events - by serving as a treasurer.

Programming Subcommittee Chair (1-year term)

Araceli Veloz

Candidate bio and statement

I’m a Chicanx Studies student graduating from Cal State LA in Spring 2025, currently applying to MLIS programs to pursue a career as an archivist in Los Angeles. I'm currently a student archivist at Cal State LA’s Special Collections and previously worked at the LA County Law Library. With my Chicanx studies background, I hope to diversify the field of archives and library sciences. Additionally, as a member of the LA Tenants Union, I’ve coordinated many community events and hope to bring this experience to LAAC as the Programming Co-Chair. I admire the work at LAAC and hope I can contribute to its future events.

Outreach Subcommittee Chair (1-year term)

Paola Salazar

Candidate bio and statement

Paola Salazar is the Backlog Project Assistant at UCLA Library Special Collections. She received her MLIS from UCLA in 2023, specializing in Library Studies. Paola has held positions at Harvard Law School Library, Cal State LA, and Cal State Dominguez Hills and has been with LAAC since 2023. Through her membership in the UCLA Library’s Punk Collective, she has processed punk collections related to Los Angeles’ music scene. As a Latina interested in alternative subcultures, Paola looks forward to chairing the Outreach Committee to strengthen outreach to underrepresented communities, build lasting partnerships, and connect people to vital resources and stories.

November 8, 2024 - Comments Off on Call for Submissions! | Acid Free Issue #15 SOUND

Call for Submissions! | Acid Free Issue #15 SOUND

SUBMIT BY JAN. 15 2025
>Submission Form< 

Submission Deadline:
January 15, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: 
February 10, 2025
Issue Launch:
March 2025


About Acid Free

Acid Free, the thematic online magazine of the Los Angeles Archivists Collective, seeks to be a smart, complicated, non-academic forum for a variety of voices and issues in our field, to ground archivists locally and regionally while also keeping an eye toward larger conversations and landscapes.

About the Topic

Sound” can be broadly interpreted through an archival lens. Possible topics may include oral histories, time-based media, music, storytelling, playlist-ing, DJ culture, field recordings, and the absence of sound: archival silence(s), hearing impairment, silent film collections.

Submission Guidelines

Acid Free is open to articles that highlight documents, collections, or exhibitions; share projects and stories; critically examine archival issues and practices; explore local landmarks; or address other theme-related archival subjects. Articles can be any length, but we recommend keeping it under 1,000 words. We are a highly visual publication; please include images in .jpg format to illustrate your story.

In addition to the text + visuals, an audio file may also be submitted to compliment the writing.

Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis utilizing the following criteria: Hook, clarity, and relevance to the theme.

Image Guidelines

Please provide images that are at least 1920 px wide (300 dpi) as separate attachments from copy. Please indicate image placement in the article. 


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Citation Guidelines

Cite your sources in the body of your text as opposed to following a formal, academic citation style. For any links in the draft you submit, please bracket the url following the text you want linked, and we will create the hyperlink when we produce on the web. 


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Citations for additional resources may also be listed at the end of any article.


Instagram: @laacollective


October 28, 2023 - Comments Off on LAAC Statement of Solidarity with Palestine

LAAC Statement of Solidarity with Palestine

Dear LAAC Community:

As a genocide in Palestine unfolds at this very moment, we look to history to remind us that the root of violence is injustice. We grieve with our Palestinian and Jewish communities for all lives lost, and we stand in solidarity with the liberation of Palestine. Support of the Palestinian people is not antisemitism. It is urgent to be informed and intentional about the narratives we share.

As archivists, it is our duty to preserve history, provide access to evidence, and promote social awareness. As such, we are compelled to acknowledge the historical context underlying the violence in Palestine today. History shows us that this violence did not start on October 7th, 2023. It emerged from 75 years of occupation, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people by the settler colonial state of Israel.

So, to serve our collective learning and liberation, we offer a list of resources, some of which are archives specific and some of which are not.

We add our voices to those of activists, students, and people from all faiths and walks of life speaking out against the ongoing genocide. As information workers, we also express our concern at the rising number of cases of censorship and the stifling of free speech about Palestine and Palestinian human rights. We unequivocally uphold our right to freedom of speech and protection from censorship and harassment.

Collectively, we can use our skills and knowledge to cut through campaigns of misinformation, which we recognize as the manifestation of racism and Islamophobia. Spread awareness on social media. Protect each other during protests by blurring faces in photos to keep identities private. Donate funds, sign petitions, and call your representatives.

LAAC is committed to dismantling systems of oppression, white supremacy, and colonialism everywhere.

In solidarity, 

Los Angeles Archivists Collective Leadership



Archival & Library Organizations

  • Librarians and Archivists with Palestine is a network of self-defined librarians, archivists, and information workers in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.
  • Palestinian Libraries are a focus of the Social Responsibilities Round Table within the American Library Association (ALA).

Reading Lists:

Local Archives: 

Virtual Archives: 


  • Palestine Red Crescent Society is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies providing healthcare and humanitarian assistance to Palestine.
  • Palestine Children's Relief Fund provides free medical care to injured and ill children who lack local access to care within the local health care system.


  • US Campaign for Palestinian Rights offers resources and strategic support for local organizers, activists, and policymakers in solidarity with Palestine.
  • Jewish Voice for Peace is a grassroots movement led by Jewish Americans in solidarity with the Palestinian freedom struggle.

February 16, 2024 - Comments Off on 2024 Candidate Bios for LAAC Leadership Positions:

2024 Candidate Bios for LAAC Leadership Positions:

Steering Committee, Secretary, Programming Subcommittee, Outreach Subcommittee

More info about positions and the election process can be found in our bylaws. Voting ends 02/23/2024. Thank you for your participation!



Steering Committee (3-year term)

Jimmy Zavala

Candidate bio

Jimmy Zavala is the Teaching and Learning Librarian at UCLA Library Special Collections. Prior to joining UCLA, he was the Project Coordinator Librarian for Transforming Knowledge, Transforming Libraries, a three-year IMLS funded grant research project analyzing the intersection of Ethnic Studies and Community Archives. Jimmy received his MLIS with a specialization in Archival Studies from UCLA.

Candidate statement

Jimmy seeks to carry on the groundwork laid by previous and current members of the steering committee and continue to make LAAC a welcoming organization for the archives community in Los Angeles. Jimmy is committed to supporting members of LAAC with the resources the collective has to offer while working towards expanding the membership of the collective. Furthermore, Jimmy pledges to strive towards uplifting communities historically marginalized and underrepresented in the archives field.


Secretary (2-year term)

Isabella Sanchez

Candidate bio and statement

Isabella Sanchez is currently an undergraduate student majoring in History while also working as a student assistant at the Special Collections and Archives at CSULA. She plans to attend SJSU for her MLIS with a focus in archives this upcoming Fall semester. Isabella hopes she’ll be able to learn and grow while taking part as an active member of the LAAC and connect more with the archives community in LA.


Programming Subcommittee Chair (1-year term)

Jocelyn Acosta

Candidate statement

As the current Programming Chair, I stepped into this role outside of an election cycle and would like to fulfill a full elected term.


Outreach Subcommittee Chair (1-year term)

Meg Suhosky

Candidate bio and statement

Meg Suhosky is a project archivist at the Getty Research Institute. They received their MLIS from SJSU and prior to working at the GRI held project and limited-term positions at the Getty Conservation Institute, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Bitch Media, Oregon Health and Science University, and Portland State University. As a member of LAAC Meg has enjoyed connecting with local archivists and is inspired by the group’s genuine network of support and camaraderie. In 2022, they enjoyed volunteering on both the Programming and Outreach subcommittees. They appreciate the opportunity to serve as Outreach chair this year and hope to continue building upon the amazing work contributed by the previous chair.

April 23, 2022 - Comments Off on LAAC Community Picnic 2022

LAAC Community Picnic 2022

Saturday, May 28th, 12-3 PM

MacArthur Park in Los Angeles, California, 1971

"MacArthur Park in Los Angeles, California," 1971, photographed by Mike Meadows. Los Angeles Time Photographic Collection, University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Special Collections.

Grab your picnic blanket and join LAAC for a community picnic at Kenneth Hahn Park on Saturday, May 28 from 12PM – 3 PM! We invite all of our members to join us for a fun day picnicking, hanging out with friends, and enjoying that Los Angeles sunshine. This is a chance to connect with friends and colleagues within the archival community, meet members of the LAAC Steering Committee and Subcommittees, and hear what LAAC is planning for 2022.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Please RSVP by May 26th so we can accurately estimate the amount of refreshments needed.

Directions and Parking

  • The Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area is located at 4100 S. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90008.
  • Parking is $7 per vehicle.
  • Public transportation option via The Baldwin Hills Parklands Shuttle - the shuttle "transports park visitors from the Metro Expo La Cienega Station to Kenneth Hahn State Recreational Area and the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook. The Parklands Shuttle operates 8:00 am – 6:00 pm Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays. Rides are 25 cents one way. The shuttle is free for Seniors and children under 5. The shuttle has 3 routes with stops located at: La Cienega/Jefferson Metro bus stop adjacent to the Expo Station; Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook; and Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area. Shuttles run on a 20-minute route, are airconditioned and ADA accessible."
  • It's a large park! Look for us in the Picnic Area (viewable from Google Maps). Our picnic table will have LAAC swag on it.