January 4, 2021 - Comments Off on LAAC Call for Nominations – 2021
LAAC Call for Nominations – 2021

The Los Angeles Archivists Collective (LAAC) is accepting nominations for the following positions, with terms beginning in 2021
- Steering Committee member (3 years)
- Secretary (2 years)
- Treasurer (2 years)
These positions will provide LAAC members with an opportunity to lead and contribute to future programming efforts, as well as engage, collaborate, and build relationships with the other local archivists and professional organizations. For a complete description of the duties and responsibilities carried out by these positions, see the LAAC bylaws at https://www.laacollective.org/about/bylaws/
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee coordinates the organization’s meetings; presides at all meetings and seeks members to serve on subcommittees. The Steering Committee will also form ad-hoc groups as needed which include, but are not limited to, the Holiday Party/Fundraising committee; Nominating committee; and Scholarship committee.
Secretary & Treasurer
The LAAC secretary and treasurer are acting members of the leadership team. The secretary attends community and leadership meetings, in order to accurately record meeting minutes. They also may be asked to update website pages to reflect current resources. The treasurer manages LAAC finances, including bank accounts and programming funds.More information about each position can be found on the LAAC website.
The deadline for nominations is Friday, January 22nd, 2021 (self-nominations are encouraged).
To submit nominations, email hello@laacollective.org with the nominee name and position. Include a short biography and candidate statement detailing current work, professional interests, and ideas for the candidate's role in LAAC (approximately 200 words). The online ballot will open the week of January 25, 2021.
In addition, LAAC seeks the following subcommittee members:
- Outreach, 3-5 members
- Programming, Chair and 3-5 members
- Publications, 1-2 members (preferably with web production and/or design knowledge)
Members are not elected--they volunteer to be active subcommittee members. Terms are for 1 year. Students are especially encouraged to participate in these positions - LAAC is interested in having local student representatives from UCLA, San Jose State, University of North Texas, and USC.
Each subcommittee will meet in-person or virtually three times a year, and check in with other local professional organizations to avoid duplicate efforts and/or identify potential collaborations for projects or events. For more information, see the Subcommittees section on our about page at https://www.laacollective.org/about/.
To sign up for a subcommittee member position, email hello@laacollective.org by Friday, January 22, 2021 and specify which subcommittee you are interested in. Please also include a few sentences about yourself.
We look forward to receiving your nominations and applications. Please feel free to email with any questions: hello@laacollective.org.
Published by: Alyssa in Announcements, From the Editor
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