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November 8, 2024 - Comments Off on Call for Submissions! | Acid Free Issue #15 SOUND

Call for Submissions! | Acid Free Issue #15 SOUND

SUBMIT BY JAN. 15 2025
>Submission Form< 

Submission Deadline:
January 15, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: 
February 10, 2025
Issue Launch:
March 2025


About Acid Free

Acid Free, the thematic online magazine of the Los Angeles Archivists Collective, seeks to be a smart, complicated, non-academic forum for a variety of voices and issues in our field, to ground archivists locally and regionally while also keeping an eye toward larger conversations and landscapes.

About the Topic

Sound” can be broadly interpreted through an archival lens. Possible topics may include oral histories, time-based media, music, storytelling, playlist-ing, DJ culture, field recordings, and the absence of sound: archival silence(s), hearing impairment, silent film collections.

Submission Guidelines

Acid Free is open to articles that highlight documents, collections, or exhibitions; share projects and stories; critically examine archival issues and practices; explore local landmarks; or address other theme-related archival subjects. Articles can be any length, but we recommend keeping it under 1,000 words. We are a highly visual publication; please include images in .jpg format to illustrate your story.

In addition to the text + visuals, an audio file may also be submitted to compliment the writing.

Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis utilizing the following criteria: Hook, clarity, and relevance to the theme.

Image Guidelines

Please provide images that are at least 1920 px wide (300 dpi) as separate attachments from copy. Please indicate image placement in the article. 


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[ image-001.jpg, Image caption goes here ]

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Citation Guidelines

Cite your sources in the body of your text as opposed to following a formal, academic citation style. For any links in the draft you submit, please bracket the url following the text you want linked, and we will create the hyperlink when we produce on the web. 


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Citations for additional resources may also be listed at the end of any article.


Instagram: @laacollective


September 18, 2018 - Comments Off on LAAC Call for Steering Committee Member Nominations

LAAC Call for Steering Committee Member Nominations

The Los Angeles Archivists Collective (LAAC) seeks nominations to fill a recent vacancy on the Steering Committee. A special election will be held in October, and the successful candidate will serve a full 3-year term.

This position will provide an opportunity to lead and contribute to directional oversight for the organization, as well as engage, collaborate, and build relationships with other local archivists and professional organizations. For a complete description of the duties and responsibilities carried out by LAAC leadership, see our current bylaws.

The deadline for nominations is Sunday, Sept. 30, 2018. Self-nominations are encouraged. Please note that current students may not be elected to Steering Committee.

To submit nominations, email with the nominee name. Include a short biography and candidate statement detailing current work, professional interests, and ideas for the candidate's role in LAAC (approximately 200 words).

We look forward to receiving your nominations and applications. Please feel free to email with any questions.

November 12, 2017 - Comments Off on LAAC Call for Nominations

LAAC Call for Nominations


The Los Angeles Archivists Collective (LAAC) is accepting nominations for the following positions:

-Steering Committee member (3 year term)
-Secretary (2 year term)
-Archival Education Subcommittee chair (1 year term)
-Outreach and Advocacy Subcommittee chair (1 year term)
-Social Activities Subcommittee chair (1 year term)

These positions will provide LAAC members with an opportunity to lead and contribute to future programming efforts, as well as engage, collaborate, and build relationships with the other local archivists and professional organizations. For a complete description of the duties and responsibilities carried out by these positions, see the LAAC bylaws at

The Steering Committee coordinates the organization’s meetings; presides at all meetings; seeks members to serve on subcommittees; reports to the Advisory Board; explores avenues for sustainability and growth; and provides directional oversight for the organization.

The Secretary takes minutes of all meetings of the organization, sends report of all meeting minutes to be posted on the website, maintains a copy of the current by-laws, maintains an accurate membership roster, and keeps records of organization documents.

Subcommittee Chairs organize subcommittee meetings for five areas of focus - Archival Education, Community Outreach and Advocacy, Diversity, Press and Publications, and Social Activities to ensure subcommittee activities are scheduled and executed, and report to the membership on their progress at each meeting.

The deadline for nominations is Friday Dec. 1, 2017  Dec. 15, 2017 (self-nominations are encouraged). Please note that current students may not be elected to Steering Committee or Subcommittee Chair positions. To submit nominations, email with the nominee name and position. Include a short biography and candidate statement detailing current work, professional interests, and ideas for the candidate's role in LAAC (approximately 200 words). 

In addition, LAAC seeks the following subcommittee members:

-Archival Education, 1-3 members
-Diversity, 1 member
-Social Activities, 1-2 members
-Outreach and Advocacy, 1-3 members

Members are not elected--they volunteer to be active subcommittee members. Terms are for 1 year. Students are especially encouraged to participate in these positions - LAAC is interested in having local student representatives from UCLA, San Jose State, University of North Texas, and USC.

Each subcommittee will meet in-person or virtually three times a year, and check in with other local professional organizations to avoid duplicate efforts and/or identify potential collaborations for projects or events. For more information, see the Subcommittees section on our about page at

To sign up for a subcommittee member position, email by Friday, Dec. 1 Friday, Dec. 15 and specify which subcommittee you are interested in. Please also include a few sentences about yourself.

We look forward to receiving your nominations and applications. Please feel free to email with any questions.

May 8, 2017 - Comments Off on LAAC Bylaws

LAAC Bylaws

Call for feedback on our draft bylaws!

LAAC Community, we've developed some bylaws and would love your feedback. Please comment directly on the document or send an email to New positions outlined would take effect next calendar year.