December 19, 2017 - Comments Off on LAAC Candidate Bios
LAAC Candidate Bios
Candidate bios for LAAC leadership positions: Steering Committee Member, Secretary, Subcommittee Chairs

Malibu sewer issue, 1971. Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection. Accessed via Calisphere.
More info about positions and the election process can be found in our bylaws. Online ballot can be found here. Voting ends 1/3/18. Thank you for your participation!
Steering Committee Member (3-year term)
Grace Danico is an archivist for a private collection and freelances as an illustrator and designer. She currently serves as the chair of LAAC's Press and Publications subcommittee, where she designs products and leads a team of dedicated volunteers in publishing LAAC's quarterly Acid Free magazine.
Secretary (2-year term)
Courtney Dean is a project archivist at UCLA Library Special Collections where she works with graduate students in the Center for Primary Research and Training (CFPRT). She currently serves on the LAAC Steering Committee and Press and Publications subcommittee. Her favorite archival term is replevin.
Social Activities Subcommittee Chair (1-year term)
Angel Diaz is the Processing Archivist at UCLA Library Special Collections. She was formerly the institutional archivist at Los Angeles Metro and the California’s Gold Archivist at Chapman University. Angel’s professional interests include instruction with primary sources, outreach, and diversifying the profession.
Press and Publications Subcommittee Co-Chair (1-year term)
Jennie Freeburg is a practicing archivist specializing in music and the arts. She has been part of LAAC and the Press and Publications Committee for the past two years, and is very proud to have worked on every issue of Acid Free.