October 12, 2015 - Comments Off on Call for LAAC Subcommittee Members

Call for LAAC Subcommittee Members

The Los Angeles Archivists Collective (LAAC) seeks subcommittee members to help develop and organize programming for the upcoming 2016 year. The subcommittees will provide LAAC members with an opportunity to lead and contribute to future programming efforts, as well as engage, collaborate, and build relationships with the other local archivists and professional organizations.

The LAAC subcommittees address five areas of focus - Archival Education, Community Outreach and Advocacy, Diversity, Press and Publications, and Social Activities. Each subcommittee will be made up of one chairperson and two or more members. Chairpersons will be responsible for overseeing projects and reporting back to the LAAC team as needed. Each subcommittee should meet in-person or virtually three times a year and check in with other local professional organizations to avoid duplicate efforts and/or identify potential collaborations for projects or events. Students are encouraged to participate - LAAC is interested in having local student representatives from UCLA, San Jose State, University of North Texas, and USC.

To sign up for a position, please email laacollective@gmail.com and specify which subcommittee you are interested in and if you are interested in a chairperson position.

Archival Education

The Archival Education Subcommittee is charged with sharing information about educational efforts and pursuing collaborations with other professional organizations, including workshops, lectures, skill-shares, and webinars.

Community Outreach and Advocacy

The Community Outreach and Advocacy Subcommittee will reach out to local communities to help serve their archival needs, as well as develop programs/plans for local associations to advocate for archives and archivists in the public foray.


The Diversity Subcommittee will foster engagement with underrepresented communities as well as ensure inclusion of all types of archivists and archival repositories (e.g. lone arrangers, film archivists, citizen archivists, community archives, etc.) in LAAC programming.

Press and Publications

The Press and Publications Subcommittee will head efforts to develop and solicit content for the LAAC blog, social media sites, zine series, as well as professional journals and publications.

Social Activities

The Social Activities Subcommittee will coordinate and promote LAAC social activities, including but not limited to happy hours, meetups, and repository tours.

UPDATE: Thank you for the enthusiastic response! Archival Education and Social Activities have been filled.

Published by: Los Angeles Archivists Collective in From the Editor

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