The Los Angeles Archivists Collective Bylaws

Presented to the membership for approval in May 2017 and approved in June 2017.
Ammendments approved by membership October 2018 and September 2023.


Article I: Name

This organization’s name shall be the Los Angeles Archivists Collective (LAAC).


Article II: Objectives

The Los Angeles Archivists Collective aims to bring the Los Angeles-area archives community together to discuss, collaborate, connect, and support each other. LAAC will build a local community that encourages professional development and skill-sharing, with a particular emphasis on supporting students and new professionals in the field; facilitate a forum for collaboration, education, participation, and professional growth; and provide archival outreach to local communities by offering educational workshops, facilitating connections to local resources, and promoting general archival awareness.


Article III: Membership

Membership is open to all those in the metropolitan area of Los Angeles who are working or training in the archival professions or are interested in archives.

The organization charges no annual dues. A dues adjustment may be passed by a 2/3rd majority of members present at the first business meeting of the new year.


Article IV: Meetings

The organization shall meet a minimum of two times a year, with at least a three-week advance notice of date and place.

Meetings may be held at various archival repositories on a rotating basis. The host repository may share or supplement the cost of refreshments.

New business may be introduced at any meeting. The meetings are open to the general public.


Article V: Organization


Elected officers of the organization shall be the Steering Committee made up of 3 members; Secretary; Treasurer; and the Subcommittee Chairs made up of at least 3 members representing the Programming, Publications, and Outreach Subcommittees.

Terms of Office

Each Steering Committee member serves a staggered 3 year term of office. Each Subcommittee Chair serves a renewable 1 year term of office. The Secretary and the Treasurer serve 2 years.

Should an officer be unable to complete their term, a special election will be held at the next meeting to replace the officer for the duration of the term.


The Steering Committee coordinates the organization’s meetings; presides at all meetings and seeks members to serve on subcommittees. The Steering Committee will also form ad-hoc groups as needed which include, but are not limited to, the Holiday Party/Fundraising committee; Nominating committee; and Scholarship committee.

Secretary takes minutes of all meetings of the organization, sends report of all meeting minutes to be posted on the website, maintains a copy of the current by-laws, maintains an accurate membership roster, and keeps records of organization documents. Secretary may serve concurrently in Steering Committee or Subcommittee chair position.

Treasurer is custodian of all funds; maintains financial records, requests and tracks all receipts and expenses, monitors the organization’s bank and PayPal accounts, provides reimbursements as needed, receives all proceeds from fundraising efforts, and presents financial reports to the organization at meetings. Treasurer may serve concurrently in Steering Committee or Subcommittee chair position.

Subcommittee Chairs organize subcommittee meetings, ensure subcommittee activities are scheduled and executed, and report to the membership on their progress at each meeting.


Article VI: Elections

Elections for Subcommittee Chairs are held every year at the last meeting of the calendar year with the terms commencing at the start of the new year. Elections for the Secretary and Treasurer are held every 2 years. Elections for Steering Committee are held every year, with one member rotating off each year.

Nominating Committee

A nomination committee consisting of the acting Steering Committee and at least two members of the organization will nominate members for office. Only active members are eligible for nomination. An active member is someone who currently serves on a committee or who has participated in at least one LAAC event in the past calendar year.

Nominations can be made and seconded from the floor prior to the election of each officer. No person shall be elected to any office or named to any position of responsibility who is not present at the said election and who has not freely offered his or her name for the purpose.

Voting shall be by secret ballot when there is more than one candidate for a particular office. Election shall be by a simple majority.

Current students may not be elected to Steering Committee or Subcommittee Chair positions.


Article VII: Amendments

Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any voting member and shall be submitted to the Steering Committee in writing.

The text of the proposed amendment shall be distributed to the voting membership at least two weeks prior to an election.

The bylaws may be amended after previous announcement by a vote of two- thirds majority at business meeting, or by a two-thirds majority of those voting online.

The approval of the LAAC Steering Committee is required to amend these bylaws.